Production Status - v17.0

The production status screen displays a summary of the production and shipping status.  In FabSuite 17.0 you can now choose any field to summarize the status on, and in fact any combination of fields.  Any filters can also be used to restrict the data that is to be displayed.

To open the production status screen:

  • Select the Maintenance > Production Control > Production Status menu option.  Select the desired summary fields and filters and click OK.

  • Open a Production Control job and select the Production Control > Review > Production Status menu option.  Select the desired summary fields and filters and click OK.

  • Select a record on the Production Control bill of materials and click the Production Status button on the bottom-right of the screen.

Here the production status is being viewed for a single job summarized by sequence.  The fields shown in the grid are:

  • Any summary fields selected on the production status filter screen, Sequence in this case.
  • Qty - The total part quantity.
  • TFS Status - The quantity that has been taken from stock.  If the full quantity has been taken from stock then this will show the date that the last one was completed.  This column is not shown if the 'Show TFS Status' option is un-checked on the production status filter screen.
  • All production stations that the parts matching the filter are routed through.  Each one will show the quantity completed and remaining, and if all have been completed then the date that the last one was completed is shown.
  • Prod. Status - The overall production status, either Not Started, In Progress, or Completed.
  • Any intermediate shipping destinations, each showing the firm code (FabSuite in this case) in the column header, Load #, and Returned.  The first column shows the completed/remaining status of the parts that have been shipped to this destination.  The Load # column shows the load numbers that the parts were shipped on.  The Returned column shows the completed/remaining status of any parts shipped on loads marked 'To Be Returned', indicating that the parts are to be returned to the shop.
  • Jobsite - The completed/remaining status of parts shipped to the jobsite.
  • Load # - The load numbers on which the parts were shipped to the jobsite.
  • Ship Status - The overall shipping status, either Not Started, In Progress, or Completed.

Click the Filter button to change the summary fields and/or filters in use.  Any number of summary fields can be chosen, here Shape, Dimensions, and Grade are set as the summary fields.


If all summary fields are un-selected then a single summary for the entire job will be shown.

When the production status screen is opened in multiple-job mode (by selecting Maintenance > Production Control > Production Status) filters are available to choose the jobs that should be included in the summary, as well as the regular filters for choosing the parts to include.

On the bottom of the production status filter screen are two options that control how the data is retrieved and displayed:

  • Exclude Accessories without Piece/Load Tracking - If this option is checked then accessory parts that are not flagged for either accessory piece tracking or load tracking will not be included in the summary.  If this option is un-checked then all parts that match the filter will be included, and accessories without piece/load tracking will only be included in the total quantity and TFS Status fields.
  • Show TFS Status - If this option is checked then the TFS Status field will be shown on the production status screen.

When the screen is opened by clicking the Production Status button then the filter screen will not appear.  Instead a filter will automatically be set on the main mark of the selected assembly and summary fields applied for the main mark, piece mark, sequence, and lot #.  If any parts in the assembly have instance tracking enabled then the instance number and assembly instance number fields will also be included in the summary.

If an accessory part that has instance tracking enabled is selected then the Set Assembly Instance # button on the bottom of the screen becomes available.  This allows accessory instances to be associated with a specific instance of the assembly.  With this association in place FabSuite will ensure that the correct accessory instances are updated when sequences/lots are updated on the assembly instances.  These associations will also be used in further development in the area of reporting the status and material details of an assembly.


To set the assembly instance number association select one or more accessory instances, click the Set Assembly Instance # button, and then enter the assembly instance number on the popup.


Validation is performed to ensure that the number of accessory instances of a part that are associated with a specific assembly instance does not exceed the quantity per assembly of that part.  In this case the assembly quantity is 4 and the a1 part quantity is 8, meaning that at most 2 accessory instances can be associated with each assembly instance.

It is not necessary to set the assembly instance number associations on all of the accessory instances.  The associations can be set on all, some, or none of the accessory instances.

To clear an assembly instance number association select one or more accessory instances, click the Set Assembly Instance # button, and enter 0 for the assembly instance #.